Diabetic Diet and Its Early History

Diabetic Diet and Its Early History

Diabetes Mellitus and its dietary management was long before applied in Egypt way back early as 3,500 B.C and so was in India not less than 2000 years way back.

On the 18th century, there are authors who argue with the calorie limitations in diabetic diet can decrease high glucose levels in diabetes.

On the other hand, before the discovery of insulin, low-calorie diet was recommended to people with diabetes to prevent the killings from this disease.

The approach did not really cure diabetes but simply extends life to a limited time.

With discovering the use of insulin on the early 1920’s changes things and allows patient with greater flexibility with eating.

Diabetic Diet with the Later Development

Dietitians today suggested and recommend the usual healthy diet; high fiber foods, different kinds of fruits and vegetables, foods that are low in sugar, and low fatty foods mainly saturated fat.

In the mid-1970’s, the Pritikin Program was opened, patients were in a center and they were set to a program of diet and exercise.

The diet was high in carbohydrates and fibers, in the company of vegetables, fresh fruits and whole grains.

This program showed that it has a dramatically improvement to diabetic patients in only three weeks time.

The Vegan Diet

This diet shows that it can be effective in managing diabetes with type 2. This diet is about taking raw foods as alternatives for foods that are high with carbohydrates and sugar intent.

Timing for Eating

For diabetic people, eating healthy was not a usual matter of what to eat but also comprises on when to eat.

The question will arise on how long prior to the meal will one would inject insulin?

Well, it will depends on what type of insulin you take and how long, medium, or is it a quick acting insulin.

When the patient checks the blood sugar prior to bedtime and finds out that it is at the lower level, then it is very much advisable that you eat some carbohydrate before going to bed to avoid hypoglycemia.

The Particular Diets

Pritikin Diet – the diet consist of high carbohydrates, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. This diet was with exercise accompaniment.

G.I. Diet – this diet helps the improvement of diabetes control. It avoids foods that ate high in carbohydrates. Eating foods that are low in GI can convert glucose more gradually in the bloodstream.

Low Carbohydrate Diet – this has been recommended that slowly elimination of carbohydrates from your diet can help overturn the diabetes.

Fats can be the primary source of calories for the body and even the complication owing the insulin resistance can be minimized.

Though, it is very much important that the diet must be in low saturated fats.

Saturate fats can raise cholesterol and high cholesterol is a threat for heart diseases.

Diabetic patients are more prone to heart diseases.

High Fiber Diet – This had been proved that it worked in controlling diabetes and can minimize the blood glucose levels with the same effect as with the oral diabetes medicines.