Weight Loss Ideas For Brides

How to Get in Shape Lose Weight for Upcoming Wedding

How to Get in Shape/Lose Weight for Upcoming Wedding?

I need to lose 30 pounds in 5 months for my wedding in June. I am really discouraged right now and feel like giving up. Is this possible?

It’s natural for brides and grooms to want to look their best for their wedding day. And going about it the right way can make the difference between living healthier way beyond your wedding day.

  • So how do you get those wonderful wows and oohs and ahhs?
  • How do you blow away your guests, and groom as you go down the aisle?
  • How do you have lots of energy on your honeymoon and later?

Staying healthy is #1!

It is the most important thing to focus on during this exciting and stressful time. Setting goals is the key to reducing stress and staying healthy during your wedding planning.

Many brides are so stressed out during the wedding planning that they abandon all good eating habits and either starve themselves or binge on junk food to handle the stress.

Avoid this!

  • Set realistic goals for yourself.
  • Not every bride must be a size 2 on their wedding day.
  • Not everybody needs or wants to lose weight for their wedding.
  • Some brides may need or want to gain some weight.

Some brides may want to stay the same, and then there are the brides that want to drop at least one dress size before their wedding.

We believe that staying healthy is more important than starving yourself to look perfect!

Lose Weight While Staying Healthy

Staying healthy brings out the radiance, glow and inner beauty of the bride, so that she looks beautiful on her starring day, regardless of her weight.

It’s too easy to be lured into thinking that you have to lose weight for your wedding.

Many brides feel this way and here are a few of the most common reasons why:

  • Negative self talk What you say to yourself about yourself. For example. I look terrible, I can’t lose weight, I’m not as thin as I should be
  • Negative body image You aren’t happy with your body,, you don’t feel good in your own skin
  • Any ideas about changing your body are likely coming from you, not your fianc