Very Low Calorie Diet Plan – How to Lose a Ton of Weight


Have you heard of the VLCD plan, otherwise known as the plan for “very low calorie consumption per day”. Some even call it “extremely” low. You can lose a serious amount of weight on this plan. Let’s find out more in this article now.

How Does It Work?
Basically it’s a totally liquid diet. You eat about 800 calories per day or even less. The liquid recipe contains a bundle of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, “good fats” and protein. Either you can make your own liquid or you can buy a special pre-made powder to mix with water.

What’s The Catch?
Well, there’s no real catch. You are supposed to do this diet with medical supervision and the plan should never be used by children. Also you need to drink plenty of water if you don’t want to be constipated.

How To Do It?
Because you are supposed to be supervised, there are various clinics that will give the diet to you. For example, Medifast, Optifast.

Some people do this for months on end but you can end up getting weird health problems like hair falling out and easily bruising etc. It’s much better to do something like this or similar (e.g. eating smoothies for 2 of your meals and having a regular meal in the evening) for just a week and then transfer to a better long term plan with small but permanent and sustainable weight loss.

Clearly, eating nothing but liquids is not sustainable – who would want to do that for the rest of their life?

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