The Secrets Of 7 Popular Weight Loss Herbs

Secrets Of Popular Weight Loss Herbs

Popular Herbs that Help in Weight Loss

For many people losing weight is not easy and will not occur overnight. Although weight loss herbs have proven to be effective especially when combined with a good diet and exercise you also need to be determined and self disciplined if you want to achieve your goal.

Rather than using weight loss herbs on their own plan to utilize them as an add on to your diet plan and you will see how effective they can be. Also remember that these herbs are not a substitute for regular exercise and the nutritious foods that you must include in your new diet and lifestyle. When used they only help to further speed up the process of losing weight.

The primary function of a weight loss herb is to bring about an effective metabolic process which makes your digestive system fast and safe.

Weight loss herbs can also provide the following:-

1. Aid the human body to burn off calories

2. Decrease a persons appetite

3. Allow a persons body to secrete enough water.

4. Help to control and deal with the emotional problems that are associated with eating.

Although weight loss herbs are generally believed to be effective it is important to note that not all of the weight loss herbs available will be good for you. You may find that some people do get great results from a particular weight loss herb but do not be confident that it will do the same for you.

So if you intend to start using weight loss herbs then first talk with your doctor so they can tell you whether or not the weight loss herb you are looking at is good for you. It is also a good idea to carry out some research regarding the functions and effects that weight loss herbs have on the human body. By consulting your doctor you are getting good advice as to which types of weight loss herbs are good for your body.

Now let’s look at some of the more commonly used weight loss herbs and the effects they can have on the human body.

Bitter Orange

This weight loss herb is aimed at lessening a person’s appetite and will help you a lot in losing weight. But there are some disadvantages to using this herb and they are the occurrence of stroke, heart attack, irregular hear beat, insomnia, high blood pressure and worst of all for some people death.


Also known as chili or hot pepper. Some of the side effects of this herb are adrenalin rush and sweating.


This also helps to reduce a person’s appetite. But this has been banned from being sold as it causes side affects such as sleeplessness, high blood pressure as well as heart problems and in some rare cases people have died when taking it.

Green Tea

This herb heightens a person’s metabolism as well as reducing their appetite. However some side effects associated with this herb are vomiting, indigestion and in rare cases diarrhea.


This is an antidepressant which is known to cure sleep and mental disorders as well as nerve pain but is also able to maneuver a person’s appetite.

Citrus Aurantium

This Chinese herb is known to convert the fat in a person’s body to energy.


This herb reduces sugar levels in the body so bad cholesterol is removed.

IMPORTANT: Although taking weight loss herbs can be dangerous it is vital that you use them under the supervision of a reliable health care provider or your doctor.