Safe Weight Loss – What Are The Five Key Points That You Must Follow?


Safe weight loss is the best way to lose weight. Why? There are no risks to your health. How can you achieve safe weight loss? Exercise and diet. Weight loss can also be achieved through pill popping and surgical interventions. Needless to say, such weight loss methods are highly risky. If you are looking at safe weight loss, the following will be of immense help to you.

We shall be looking at 5 safe weight loss key points in this article.  If you want to achieve safe weight loss quickly and easily, these 5 key points are very important to you. What are they? 1. You must take control of what you eat. 2. Eat more but do not eat too fast. 3. Ensure that your weight loss diet is made up of interesting, nutritious and healthy foods. 4. See to it that there is plenty of variety in your diet and 5. Select a weight loss diet that is simple and practical.

Let us talk more about the five safe weight loss key points.

1. Take control of what you eat.

You decide on what you need or want to eat. Avoid fast food outlets and try not to eat meals in restaurants and other food outlets.  Why? You will not know what they put into your meals. What were the ingredients used? What type of cooking oil did they use and what was used to add flavour to your meals? For safe weight loss, as far as possible, prepare your own meals.

2. Eat more but do not eat too fast.

Chew. Do not gobble your food. Eat slowly. Why? For better digestion. Instead of 3 big meals, eat five smaller ones that are well spaced out throughout the day. Make your food meal portions smaller. Eat regularly. No need to fast or starve and do not skip meals. If you do, you will feel listless and even depressed. This is due to a slowdown of your metabolism as your body attempts to conserve energy.

More frequent meals results in better metabolism for improved energy generation. Further, by eating more  frequently, you reduce hunger pangs which will cause you to eat more and less selectively. Added to this, by eating your meals more slowly, your brain body communication  will be more efficient. You will be more alert to your body’s signal that you have had enough.

You can certainly achieve rapid weight loss. How rapid? How about a day? The question is, “Can you do it safely?” Many people who attempted to lose too much and too soon lost more than just their weight. We are not talking about just water or muscle tissue but more.

3. Eat interesting, nutritious and healthy foods.

Take the trouble and see to it that your weight loss diet is made up of fresh and natural foods. Read food labels carefully. Avoid processed and packaged foods especially those that contain preservatives. Take note that most processed foods have a high fat and sodium content which is not good for safe weight loss.

4. See to it that there is plenty of variety in your diet.

Your weight loss diet must be good for the short as well as the long term. Avoid a diet that requires you to eat only one type of food. For safe weight loss, your food must be made up of all the different food groups.  Imagine having to eat the same food day in and day out. Will you be able to stick to your diet? Would the diet motivate you or put you off?

5. Select a weight loss diet that is simple and practical.

You must be able to get your diet foods easily. Avoid foods that are hard to get or even exotic. It must be affordable. You do not have to burn a whole in your pocket for safe weight loss. If the food is expensive, how long can you afford it?

Safe weight loss takes time.

After all you did not gain weigh overnight.