Tips For Preventing Obesity in Adults

Preventing Obesity in Adult Population

Preventing Obesity in Adult Population

Good eating habits with a consistent exercise program and a good positive attitude are factors that are needed in preventing obesity. These factors should be inculcated in our childhood and they are the first steps to preventing obesity but of course there are also other measures for preventing obesity in adults.

Adult Obesity

As we grow older, our metabolic rate becomes slower; hence our ability to burn fats faster also decreases.

Our busy lives does not allow times for exercising which is crucial for preventing obesity. Also owing to our busy schedules, we turn to fast food for convenience sake instead of eating healthier meals. As we all know losing weight is harder due to our decreased metabolic rates, hence preventing obesity is definitely harder as compared to our earlier ages.

Exercise Routines

We have so many commitments in this day and age. Work and family already takes a toll on us and we just do not seem to have the time or energy to exercise. However exercising can give us many benefits; It boosts our energy levels and lessens the urge to eat. Our metabolic rate increases as well, and together with a healthy diet, this a better way of losing weight as compared to just improving our dieting habits. The recommended minimal exercise level for preventing obesity is half an hour of moderate exercises about 5 times every week.

Simply going for a walk, a leisure swim, climbing the stairs instead of using the elevator is good enough. Check with your physician before you start anything, especially if you are over 40.

Keeping a Food Diary

Having an exercise program is only one side of preventing obesity and staying a healthy weight for yourself. A food diary is a good way of keeping track of your dieting habits. Track what you eat at what time and how often as well. It is also important to note how much water you drink daily too.

Study your routine at the end of the month. How often did you not take breakfast? How much fast food have you eaten? There should be something that you could work on for the following month. Choose only one thing you would like to see changed for the next month. Tackle one problem at a time; attempting to solve all the issues would seem too much to handle. Once the problem you have singled out has been settled, move on to the next one. In this manner you will be surprised at the progress you make after about 3 months.