Obesity Health Risk Factors – Heart Disease

Obesity health risk factors

Obesity – The health Risk Factors

Obesity can be defined as an excessive amount of body fat. Having too much body fat leads to many health problems.

In this article, I’m going to discuss the risk factor of heart disease.

It’s a fact that having too much weight increases the possibility of also having this heart disease.

But how does this disorder affect you?

How does obesity increase risk?

There are many obesity risk factors. Heart disease is certainly one of those serious risks.

As stated, obesity adds more fat to your body. That means your heart will have to work just that much harder to circulate blood throughout your body.

This means more stress for the heart. Also, increased fat in the blood stream can cause buildup in your veins and arteries.

This, too, causes your heart to work harder. If there is too much buildup within your veins and arteries, a heart attack or stroke can occur.

Of course, there are other obesity risk factors. There are other affects on the body.

  • Obesity affects the body in a lot of ways that can bring on other problems.
  • Obesity also raises cholesterol levels. In obesity, “good” cholesterol levels are reduced.

This has been linked with heart disease and stroke, as I stated above. Blood pressure also increases with people who are obese.

High blood pressure can produce a host of other problems, such as the risks we’ve talked about of heart disease and stroke.

Can obese people lose weight?

Of course, but they should carefully follow a healthy diet plan.

Exercise must be part of their weight loss program, as well. It’s really about a change in lifestyle.

Both diet and exercise are required to be successful in weight loss.

It’s important to move slowly and to be under the supervision of a physician.

Work your exercise plan build up slowly.

Don’t overdo exercise at first or you might quit.