Beyonce’s Diet Gains Popularity Because it Works


Among the hundreds of detoxification diets available on television and the internet, the one popularly known as “Beyonce’s Diet” has attracted the most publicity and has gained widespread acceptance. Although Beyonce does not endorse or recommend any single diet program or products, she occasionally has spoken frankly about her success with detox dieting and vigorous exercise. You probably can credit widespread publicity for some surge in her diet’s popularity; and you probably can credit some of the diet’s acceptance to its strong similarity with a detox diet program endorsed by Oprah Winfrey’s in-house naturopath, Dr. Mehmet Oz. Still, most of the diet’s popularity derives from its simplicity and effectiveness.

Stripped of fluff and hype, Beyonce’s weight-loss program has three essential components: heavy doses of antioxidants in teas, healthy beverages, and tablets; supplemental colon cleansing with multi-herb, high-fiber tablets that promote efficient, effective digestion and peristalsis; and a regular daily routine of cardio-vascular exercise and strength training.

Unlike more extreme cleansing and weight-loss programs, Beyonce’s Diet does not automatically prohibit solid foods, but it stresses eating organically-grown fruits and vegetables, high-fiber multi-grain cereals, and legumes. The diet’s guidelines restrict consumption of meat and dairy products-especially cheeses, canned, packaged and processed foods, all of which subvert detoxification and fat-burning.

In far less technical terms, Beyonce’s Diet derives a lot of its appeal from three built-in fail-safes: it tastes good, it satisfies hunger and prevents cravings, and it is just plain healthy. Even in its most radical all-liquid form, it still tastes good and satisfies.

Colon cleansing remains the most controversial element in Beyonce’s program, because it carries some risk: Excessive cleansing can disrupt delicate equilibrium in your gastrointestinal system, robbing it of essential digestive bacteria and rendering it too alkaline. Unless a professional recommends aggressive colon cleansing, you lose just as much weight and get just as many health benefits from increasing your intake of whole-grain breads, high-fiber cereals, and low-fat yogurts, all of which provide essential nutrition and stimulate proper digestion.

Both traditional and alternative practitioners claim Beyonce’s unofficial endorsement of detox dieting represents a mixed blessing. On one hand, it encourages weight-conscious hip-hop fans-better known as teen-age girls-to eat considerably more fruits and vegetables than studies show they usually eat; and it similarly encourages them to forego their favorite burgers and fries in favor of more natural, healthier alternatives. It similarly encourages teen-aged girls to develop realistic ideals of body images and attractiveness, because Beyonce definitely has curves and muscles.

On the other hand, Beyonce’s widely-publicized results contribute to unrealistic expectations about weight loss: She reportedly lost more than thirty pounds in about a month-not excessive, but also not typical. Diet promoters tend to exaggerate the benefits of cleansing and overlook the substantial benefits of strenuous daily exercise. Successful weight loss naturally depends upon burning more calories than you take in; without exercise, burning stored fat remains almost impossible. Moreover, the Beyonce Diet’s promoters and fans frequently neglect to mention how the diet itself contributes to vigorous exercise: Because capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne pepper, has powerful pain-relieving effects, it helps the body recover from marathon dance workouts and intense strength training. More evidence of the common sense and everyday wisdom that inform Beyonce’s plan, assuring that she can stick with it and succeed.

Bianca Worsley is a health expert. For more great tips on Beyonces Diet please visit