Diet Pills for Women – Which One’s The Best For You?

Weight loss pills for women

Best Slimming Pills for Women

Nowadays, women are looking for ways on how to lose weight. When they feel that no kind of diet program or exercise can help them, they resort to diet pills. If you are among the many women who would want to lose a few pounds off the scale, you may be interested to find out what is the best diet pill for women.

Different diet pills work in many different ways. If it worked for other people, it doesn’t mean that it will work the same for you. To know what pill will work for you, you must know the different kinds of pills and how they work in action.

The Popular Prescription Diet Pills

If your doctor prescribes a diet pill, does it mean it is the best diet pill for women? The answer to this question would be yes and no.

Yes, that can be considered as the best diet pill for women because your doctor recommends it. Your doctor knows your medical history and knows how your body reacts to different kinds of medications. He will of course recommend the best diet pill for you, something that will work for you.

No, meaning it may not work for you even if your doctor had recommended it. Even if you doctor knows a lot of things about your medical history and your diseases, no one can predict exactly how your body will react to the pill. So, time is needed before you can say that your doctor’s prescribed pill is the best diet pill around.

Nonetheless, if it worked well for you, it will be the best diet pill for you, not for anybody else. Thus, you cannot recommend it to family and friends. Tell them to check with their doctors first and discuss the possibility of taking the same diet pills as you do.

Examples of popular prescription weight loss products are Meridia, Xenical, Adipex and Didrex.

Over-the-Counter Diet Pills

For others who love to self-prescribe, they think that an over-the-counter (OTC) diet pill is the best diet pill for women with weight issues. For one, OTC diet pills can be bought anytime without the doctor’s prescription. Two, these pills have lower dosage as compared with prescription diet pills.

However, most over-the-counter diet pills have PPA or phenylpropanolamine. PPA can cause heart palpitations and high blood pressure, if unregulated. This is the reason why the FDA had pulled off from pharmacies over-the-counter medicines containing PPA. Medicines with PPA are now prescription based.

When you are taking diet pills, it is important to bear in mind the following guidelines.

You must have a good weight control and exercise program in addition to the diet pill you are taking.

Do not take pills more than the dosage recommended. If you think that it will speed up the process, you are definitely wrong. You may get thin from getting sick.

Talk To Your Doctor

If you feel that the diet pill has an adverse effect to your body, stop taking the pill and consult a doctor.

Go to the doctor regularly to report on the effects of the diet pill, both positive and negative.

Do not continue taking the pills if you think they aren’t working. It means that your body is not receptive to the pills or that the pills that you purchased are fakes or imitations.