Celery – Weight Loss Super Vegetable

Celery Benefits Weight Loss Super Vegetable

The Weight Loss Benefits of Raw Celery

Celery has been the friend of anyone try to lose weight for some time.

This super vegetable is very low in calories.

  • One cup (100g) of celery has only 14 calories yet it is packed with vitamins minerals and other helpful nutrients.
  • Celery stalks are a good source of Vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, folic acid and the minerals calcium magnesium, iron, phosphorus and sodium as well essential amino acids.

The sodium content of celery means that it has a natural salty taste and when used in salads or cooking you will be able reduce the amount of added salt.

The sodium in celery is perfectly balance with potassium unlike most table salts which means that it will not not contribute to fluid retention and in fact it has a gentle natural diuretic effect.

Fluid retention is not healthy and definitely not helpful when you are trying to reach a healthy weight.

Benefits of Celery Juice Weight Loss

Fresh Celery juice can be used to help dieters curb their appetite and reduce cravings for sweet and rich foods. Have a glass of fresh celery juice 15 – 30 minutes before a meal for the best effect.

Celery is also a high fiber vegetable that will help you to feel full longer and resist the temptation to snack on unhealthy high calories treats.

Fiber is also essential for for digestive health, it maintains regularity which is not only heathy for you but helps to keep your weight down.

Most people are used to eating celery stalks but did you know that the celery leaves are also really good.

Celery leaves have a high concentration of vitamin A as well as the nutrients found in the stalks.

Use the leaves in salads, soups and stews to add flavor as well as the health benefits.

Cooking Celery as a Vegetable

Interestingly while the vitamin content of many vegetables can be severely reduced by cooking the vitamins in celery are relatively stable during the cooking process.

Whether you need to lose a few pounds or you are just wanting to be healthier, you should include this super vegetable in your diet and enjoy health and weight loss benefits of celery.