Weight Loss with The “Shifting Calories” Weight Loss Plan

Weight Loss with The Shifting Calories Weight Loss Plan

Maintaining a Healthy Weight

In 2005 an estimated two-thirds of Americans were overweight. Recent data from the National Center for Health Statistics indicate that more than 60 million people are obese.

Childhood obesity is of great concern. According to statistics, some 16% of children and adolescents between the ages of 6 and 19 are overweight. Of further concern is the fact that the incidence of overweight youngsters has more than doubled over the last 30 years.

Research indicates that many overweight children eventually become overweight adults and, therefore, are likely to have health problems.

Health Risks Linked to Excess Weight

There are risks associated with being overweight. Heart disease is predominant, which can lead to heart attack. High blood pressure and strokes can also result from the heart struggling to pump blood through the body, thus starving it of nutrients.

Maintaining a healthy weight, then, is essential if we are to avoid health problems.

Traditionally, people wanting to lose weight place themselves on a low calorie diet. This is not the best way to lose weight, however, as any large drop in calories is detected by the body, which reacts.

The body will automatically adjust itself by lowering our metabolic rate and burning fewer calories – and we don’t lose weight.

There is no need to starve yourself to lose weight.

To achieve weight loss you need to adjust your food intake routine.

You need to be aware that you could be eating the wrong foods at the wrong time of day, so your body doesn’t burn calories and stores fat. To work efficiently, your body only needs certain food at certain times of the day.

The body’s metabolism always burns calories based on your recent eating style, generally because it assumes your eating habits will continue in the same way.

There is a new eating system, though, that shocks your body into reacting in a different way. This system advocates shifting certain types of calories eaten and adopting an irregular eating pattern, which will encourage a higher metabolism and your body will burn fat more efficiently.

The “Shifting Calories” Weight Loss Program

he “Shifting Calories” weight loss plan is an eating system that encourages shifting certain types of calories eaten. There is no food restriction as you continue to eat four meals daily. Because you are constantly eating irregularly on a daily basis, though, your body avoids getting into a set routine.

It is this irregular eating pattern that causes your metabolism to stay high and you lose weight.

You don’t go hungry with Shifting Calories or get cravings as you have access to a variety of food: carbs, proteins, vegetables, fruits.

A menu can be based on the type of food you like, as long as you shift the food around to maintain the Shifting Calories eating plan.

The Shifting Calories plan has been used successfully by thousands of people worldwide. It is the ideal system you can use to achieve permanent weight loss.