Why Bother With A Detox Diet Or Body Cleansing


Why indeed, so lets explore this and understand whether there really is any point embarking on a Detox Diet, Body Cleansing, Detoxification or whatever you choose to call it.

First, what is the dictionary definition of Detox? Well the Oxford English dictionary defines it as the removal of toxic substances or qualities.

Wikipedia defines it as a treatment in alternative medicine which proponents claim rid the body of accumulated harmful substances that exert a negative effect on individual health.

So what do the experts, say, not the companies who try and persuade us to purchase detox products or go on detox holidays but the scientists.

Well, the Voice of Young Science Network reported that there is no evidence that products widely promoted to assist the body detox, actually work.

There is a world of difference between a Detox diet, i.e. products that you consume, and detox products for the body. For example a ‘detox face wash’. Well all this was found to accomplish was to remove make-up, skin oils and dirt, i.e. the same as any face wash.

What is a Detox Diet? A Detox Diet would generally last from five days to two weeks and involve drinking two to three litres of liquid a day, generally water. You would be asked to remove from your diet, caffeine, red meat, alcohol, tobacco, sugar and salt. You would eat lots of fresh vegetables, fruit, fish, chicken, rice and grains and possibly juice. If you want to get away for your detox program, you may also expect some pampering, a massage with aromatherapy oils, but maybe also a colonic irrigation.

Detox diets come in a myriad of terms, for example, lemon detox diet, three day detox diet, simple detox diet, apple detox diet, liquid detox diet, marthas vineyard detox diet and even the beyonce detox diet.

Will the diet work, well it should simply because you are eating healthily, and, depending how it compared to what you eat prior to your detox, you may lose weight as you could be eating a lot less calories than you use to.

So, back to the scientists. Well, in all the research we’ve read, the general opinion is it is unnecessary. Your body is so sophisticated it is designed to clear itself.  Urine and stools are how the body removes toxic substances.

So if there is no evidence of a Detox diet being beneficial, why bother. Well, I’d argue, there may be three reasons.

A lot of us lead fast unhealthy lifestyles. A Detox Diet will force you to eat healthily at least for a short period. So depending on what your normal diet is, it may be no surprise that you  lose weight and feel great at the end of it
For the more expensive programs, it’s an excuse to go away and be pampered and potentially return glowing.
If it encourages you to change your diet for good and eat and drink healthily, then that’s a good thing.