Trying to Lose Weight? Consider a Meal Replacement Diet

Meal replacement diet plan healthy food choices components

If you have poor eating habits or eat food that’s frequently high in fat and calories, or have difficulty with portion control, a meal replacement diet may be the way you should go.

Meal replacements allow people who have difficulty changing their eating habits to make gradual changes.  This makes it easier to change your diet permanently, and studies have shown that people who choose meal replacement diets have three times the chance of keeping weight off for good.

As with other diet plans, meal replacements don’t work for everyone.  Meal replacement diet usually come in the form of shakes, bars, and smoothies.  If you don’t like drinking liquids or prefer the taste of real food, your best bet is probably to stick with nutritious, low-calorie food choices.

A small sandwich with tuna or turkey on whole wheat bread with lettuce and mustard has about the same amount of calories as a 200 calorie meal replacement shake.

If you do choose to try a meal replacement diet, here are a few tips for making it work.

1. Substitute meal replacements at the meals where you find yourself frequently overeating, or tend to make unhealthy choices.

If you eat sugary cereal or donuts for breakfast, have a meal replacement shake instead.  If dinner tends to be fast food, have a bar or meal replacement smoothie instead.  Anywhere you can substitute healthier choices for unhealthy ones is where you will see the most improvement in your health and your weight.

2. Variety is the spice of life – and meal replacement diets

On days when you have more time to cook, you may only need to have a shake or smoothie for one meal.  Try to keep your routine fresh every day by having different flavors and choosing different meal replacements; maybe a smoothie for breakfast Monday, and a bar for breakfast Tuesday.

3. Incorporate exercise into any diet plan, including a meal replacement diet

Exercise is important not only for weight loss, but also for keeping a healthy body and preventing disease.  Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise, both weight-bearing and aerobic, at least five days a week.

4. Eat healthfully for meals that aren’t replaced

Good nutrition is important with any diet.  Try to have leafy green vegetables with as many meals as possible, and keep a good balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates at each meal.  Fresh fruit and vegetables are great for added fiber, and make great, easy snacks.