The New Beverly Hills Diet: Eating the Right Combination of Foods at the Right Time

Medical Diet Weight Loss Plan

Whether or not you’re a resident of a posh village or don’t know anyone living in any upscale neighborhood, this diet could be the one that would suit you.

The New Beverly Hills Diet was conceptualized by the late weight loss supporter and lifestyle counselor, Judy Mazel (1943-2007) who penned the best-selling diet book, “The Beverly Hills Diet” that started to hit the book shelves in 1981. The diet is on a weekly basis and initially lasts up to 42 days but now was trimmed down to 35 days. Those will try on this diet can lose from 10 up to 15 pounds. The late creator of this diet even attested that after trying her own conceptualized diet, she lost a remarkable 72 pounds!

The New Beverly Hills Diet is more about having a balanced diet and lifestyle which is to be observed every week by having the proper set of foods and consuming them at an appropriate time. This is actually the foundation of this diet: the “conscious combining” or in other words being mindful of the things you eat and on when you eat the.

Mazel declared that people mustn’t focus much on the kind of foods they eat (be it meat, grains, dairy products) and on how many servings they have of those foods. According to her, what truly matters most would be the right combination of foods to eat and the right time to eat them. This is what “conscious combining” is all about.

To illustrate: when someone would eat rice (which is carbohydrates) and fish (which is protein), the combination is not good. Why? Unmatched food will destroy digestive enzymes and when these enzymes are destroyed, one will gain weight as what the New Beverly Hills Diet talks about. Therefore, it should be carbohydrates to be eaten with fellow carbohydrates and protein meal to be consumed with another protein-rich food. If it’ll be fruits, then one has to eat fruits alone and nothing more else (suggested ones are watermelon, pineapples and grapes).

Champagne is allowed in the New Beverly Hills Diet and if you want to adhere to the concept of “conscious combination”, you might want to try on this diet. More interesting details are actually offered at Diet Fads.