Lose Weight Fast Diets

Lose Weight Fast Diets

You Must Lose Weight Fast

You’re reading this article because you have weight you must lose fast and you cannot waste your time with silly fad diets that don’t actually work. You also can’t wait around for a diet that makes you only lose 1 or 2 pounds a week. You have something you have to look great for and fast! You have a wedding or some other big event coming up that you just have to look perfect for.

Silly Fad Diets Don’t Work

You may have heard about crazy diets like “The Grapefruit Diet,” or “The Popcorn Diet,” “The Cabbage Soup Diet,” or “The 1200 Calorie Diet.” These types of fad diets are all a complete waste of time. Any weight that you lose with a diet like this will be muscle weight and water weight not actual fat. Why? Because these types of starvation diets force your body into starvation mode by slowing down your metabolism so much. Your body actually hangs onto fat with all of it’s power when you do this. Please don’t waste your time with fad diets.

Fat Burning Diets Do Work

The new breakthrough in dieting is that you shouldn’t be focused on how little you eat but instead on eating the right foods. By focusing on the “green light foods” that you can eat as much as you want you force your body to burn fat (and not burn muscle and lose water weight.) Forget the low calorie, low carb diets of the past.

A “Day Off” Is Required

Another key factor you need to look for in a diet for losing weight fast is that it includes a built in “day off” where you can eat anything you want. Why? Because this day off produces a “calorie spike” which forces your metabolism to speed up which makes your body burn fat (and not muscle!) It’s important that the “day off” be included in the diet and not be something that you try to throw in willy nilly on your own. If you do that you will get it wrong and you’ll actually gain weight. It’s important to eat the right foods the rest of the word to make the “day off” work as designed.