9 Best Supplements For Your Body

Best Supplements For Your Body

1) Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are made up of two main components—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Both help your brain to regulate emotions, which makes fish oil the perfect depression-fighter. DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids also help reduce high blood pressure and inflammation, so they’re also good for arthritis and joint problems. High omega-3 fatty acid intake also cut risk of age-related macular degeneration (a condition that steals your central vision) by 38 percent, and reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease.

What it Helps

Bone and joint health
Cancer risk
Colon cancer
Heart attack risk
Heart health


200 mg docosahexanoic acid (DHA) and 300 mg eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) daily, swallowed with food to avoid fish burp
Natural sources: salmon, mackerel, and sardines, and cod liver oil

Interactions and Side Effects

Warfarin (Coumadin) or heparin. Ask your doctor

TGHN Recommends

Core Omega 3

Do what’s best for your heart and health!
It’s hard to get enough healthy fish in your diet, but this high-quality omega-3 fish oil supplement contains 600 mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and 400 mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) per serving—that’s science talk meaning a daily dose is similar to getting the health benefits of an average serving of salmon steak! Studies have shown that consuming omega-3 fatty acids—especially DHA and EPA—may help reduce the risk of heart-related diseases.* In today’s high-stress/fast food world, that’s a very big deal! In fact, the American Heart Association recommends getting at least two servings of fatty fish a week to support cardiovascular health.

Advanced Nutrient Release

Beachbody’s soft gel capsules use an advanced delivery system that releases in the intestines, not in the stomach. That means no stomach upset, and no unpleasant aftertaste.

100% Pure, Premium Ingredients

Not all fish oils are created equal. Beachbody’s Core Omega-3 comes from the purest wild Atlantic coldwater fish sources, and is absolutely guaranteed to be free of harmful PCBs and heavy metal contaminants typically found in fish available in markets and grocery stores.

Core Omega-3 may be beneficial for:

Promoting healthy heart function
Promoting healthy blood pressure
Promoting healthy blood viscosity and cardiovascular health
Promoting healthy joints
Promoting healthy immune function
Promoting healthy brain and nerve function
Supporting and maintaining healthy retina and eye function

2 & 3) Glucosamine and Chondroitin

Glucosamine is a building block of connective tissue, while chondroitin helps cartilage retain water so it stays flexible. Together they soothe sore joints. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine reports that 79 percent of men who took 1,500 mg glucosamine and 1,200 mg chondroitin daily felt a significant reduction in chronic knee pain. Glucosamine-chondroitin supplements take longer to work than NSAIDs (non-steroidal pain killers like aspirin and ibuprofen), but have fewer side effects and last longer. Russian researchers also found that chondroitin reduces back pain.


Knee and back pain


Shellfish allergy. Reactions are rare but if you’re allergic to shellfish (glucosamine is made from shellfish shells), check with your healthcare provider before you take the supplement, or try a vegetarian version.Insulin. May reduce effectiveness

4) Collagen

Collagen is a fibrous protein found in vertebrates, the major element of skin, bone, tendon, cartilage, blood vessels and teeth. It forms insoluble fibers of high tensile strength and which contains the unusual amino acids hyroxyproline and hydroxylysine. As a supplement, it helps with joint pain which is a major problem for many of us. Collagen also plays a major role in wound healing. Its presence is important in all stages of the healing process.
I could find no published contraidications resulting from use or over use of collagen. If you have any questions regarding contraidications please contact your physician.
TGHN Recommends:

Joint Support Formula

Protect your joints and cartilage!
Don’t let sore joints, tendons, or torn ligaments derail your fitness program—get superior protection from Joint Support Super Formula before it’s too late.
Our powerful blend of glucosamine, collagen type II, and MSM provides your body with the very best ingredients to maximize joint and cartilage support. And because it’s 100% natural, it’s one of the safest and most effective ways to naturally provide relief from the symptoms of joint and connective tissue wear and tear.

5) Fiber

Fiber supplements help your body better maintain your cardiovascular system by fueling its natural cleansing system. Researchers think that roughage increases the production of HDL ‘good’ cholesterol, which flushes LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol out of the arteries so it can’t harden into plaque. Studies have also shown that daily fiber supplementation lowers blood pressure, slashes cholesterol, reduces inflammation, and prevents arteries from hardening.

Fiber also helps control blood sugar and may reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, aids weight loss and may help prevent colorectal cancer. A recent National Institutes of Health study concluded that fiber from grains and whole grain foods helped reduce the risk of intestinal cancer and lower GI (gastrointenstinal) cancers.


Colon cancer
Heart health
High blood pressure
Weight loss

TGHN Recommends
Shoot for 38 grams a day of both soluble and insoluble fiber

The following is a list of high-fiber foods:

– Bananas, 3 grams – medium 8″ long

– Beans, 6-10 grams – baked beans, black beans, great northern beans, kidney beans, garbanzos, pinto beans, white beans

– Berries, 4-5 grams – blackberries, raspberries

– Bran Cereals, 5-10 grams – All-Bran, Bran Buds, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran

– Bread, 4-7 grams – 2 slices whole wheat, pumpernickel, seven-grain

– Broccoli, 4-5 grams

– Brussels Sprouts, 2 grams

– Carrots, 3-4 grams

– Dried Figs, 10 grams – 3 figs

– Fruit, 4 grams – medium apple, medium pear

– Green Beans, 2 grams – broad beans, pole beans, snap beans

– Greens, 4-6 grams – beet greens, collards, kale, spinach, turnip greens

– Lentils, 6 grams

– Lima Beans – 4-6 grams

– Peas, 7-9 grams – black-eyed peas, green peas

– Potatoes, 4-5 grams – medium baked Idaho or sweet potato

– Sweet Corn, 5 grams

Interactions & Side Effects

Drink plenty of water to avoid constipation

6) Coenzyme Q10 (Co Q10)

This compound—which is naturally produced by your body—improves the ability of your muscle cells to convert the oxygen in your bloodstream into usable energy. A University of Iowa study of 20 people with chronic fatigue syndrome showed those who took 100 mg Co Q10 every day for 3 months eradicated 90 percent of their symptoms and doubled their energy levels.



TGHN Recommends
Try Solanava’s 30 mg capsules once daily


You may need more CoQ10 if you are taking statins, beta-blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, or oral diabetes drugs

7) Calcium

As the overachiever of minerals, calcium builds bones, helps with weight loss, and possibly decreases the risk of colon cancer. And a study published in the American Journal of Medicine found that 1,000 mg of supplemental calcium can increase HDL cholesterol by 7 percent. New research shows calcium supplements may increase prostate cancer risk, so men should aim to get calcium from dietary sources. (Two servings of dairy per day will fill your calcium need without increasing your risk).

What it Helps

  • Bone strength
  • Cancer risk
  • Cholesterol
  • Colon cancer
  • Weight loss


Natural sources: Dairy products, broccoli, kale
Interactions & Side Effects
Antibiotics. Calcium may reduce your body’s absorption of these bacteria-busters.

8 ) Magnesium

Magnesium is the 11th most common element, by mass in the human body and is essential to all living cells. Calcium and Magnesium have many cross-interactions within the body and taken together produce a very powerful effect throughout. For example: while science shows the benefits of calcium on bone density, further studies have found that it’s effects are measureable only in non weight-bearing bone, while magnesium increases the mineral density of weight-bearing bone. Other studies have revealed that, while calcium can prevent tooth decay by strengthening enamel, magnesium acts to actually bind the calcium to teeth.

TGHN Recommends

Core Cal Mag

Strong bones mean a strong body!

Beachbody’s Core Cal-Mag is the best calcium-magnesium supplement, “no bones about it!” Here’s the deal: together, calcium and magnesium are required for over 300 metabolic and critical biological processes, yet studies show that most of us don’t get enough of either in our diets—which means the body has to take unhealthy shortcuts.

Nature’s Best and Purest Calcium

Calcium is essential for healthy bones and teeth, and it’s true—critical for the prevention of osteoporosis.* The calcium in Core Cal-Mag comes from nature’s best calcium sources—pure milk and calcium carbonate. Plus it contains no lactose, protein, or milk allergens, so it’s easy to get an adequate supply of calcium daily, even if you don’t drink milk regularly. And here’s a supplement-industry dirty secret: some calcium sources have a risk of lead contamination! But not ours! Core Cal-Mag is good for you!

Magnesium—Essential for Total Health

Magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of all living cells (just ask them). It is believed to help support normal blood clotting, regulate blood pressure, support the functions of the immune system, and also contribute to increased bone strength and heart health.* In fact, it’s an important mineral in regulating the entire cardiovascular system. ATHLETE’S ALERT: There’s even more to magnesium. It also aids in nerve and muscle function! With added vitamin D and phosphorus, Beachbody’s Core Cal-Mag gives you the important support you need to build and maintain bone mass and optimal health.

Enjoy all these benefits:

  • Helps strengthen bones and teeth
  • Promotes proper nerve and muscle function
  • Added vitamin D aids calcium absorption
  • Provides 1,000 mg of nature’s best calcium per serving (100% of recommended daily dose)
  • Provides 500 mg of magnesium (125% of recommended daily dose)
  • Safe for those who don’t consume dairy

9) Vitamin D

To digest food, your bowels produce lithocholic acid, a digestive juice that can be carcinogenic in high amounts. Scientists have learned, however, that vitamin D helps your body detoxify and expel excess lithocholic acid before it can cause colon cancer. And now, a 2008 Journal of Oncology study shows it also helps improve survival. Patients in the study were already diagnosed with colorectal cancer. Vitamin D also helps protect against other types of cancer, helps your heart, strengthens your bones by helping your body use calcium, and boosts your immune system function. Your body produces vitamin D in response to sun exposure, most men need to pop a supplement to see this benefit.

What it Helps

  • Cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Heart health
  • Bone health
  • Immunity


1,000 international units (IU) per day has been shown to produce a 50 percent drop in colon-cancer riskLook for vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) on the label when you buy supplementsDietary source: One tablespoon of cod liver oil (1,350 IU) will also provide omega-3 fatty acids


Antiseizure drugs. You may need more DCalcium-channel blockers. Ask a doctorThiazide diuretics. Ask a doctor.