800 Calorie a Day Diet – Why Low Calorie Diet Consumption is Not Healthy Way to Lose Weight?


Another Low Calorie Diet? 800 Calorie a Day?

Everyone wants to look slimmer. Obesity is seen as a disease and everyone tries to get rid of them as soon as possible. They perform various tasks to shed those extra pounds. Cardio work outs, surgeries and what not. They even go to a level of extreme dieting, which is as close to starvation.

All these come under Low Calorie Diet Consumption as it experience a famine like situation.

Losing weight with 800 calorie is the best option but we should never over stress our body and go against nature. Low Calorie Diet Consumption is never a good option to lose healthy weight.

It is always advisable to consult a doctor regarding the best diet to lose weight. Low Calorie Diet Consumption can be carried out for only a short duration of 4-3 months. Exceeding this period can be extremely harmful for our body.

Mostly people who are seriously overweight undergo 800 calorie diet. Children, adolescents and pregnant women should never go in this diet. It can cause them serious health hazards. Participants in this program usually lose 3-4 pounds per week or total 50 pounds in 12 weeks.

IMPORTANT: The contents should be formulated specially through physician as per the person’s need.

Low Calorie Diet Consumption: Healthy Way To Lose Weight?

Low Calorie Diet Consumption is never a healthy way to lose weight. They affect the regular function of your body where you undergo a famine like situation suddenly.

The drastic change, which takes place in body, may not be accepted by your body hence you may face serious health issues.

Going against nature is always full of risks. A normal human body needs at least 1500-1800 calories for existence. If you reduce them to 800 Calorie, it suddenly faces a drought and starts functioning differently.

Side effects like fatigue, nausea, diarrhea and constipation are usually seen among people who undergo this Low Calorie Diet Consumption Program.

IMPORTANT: Consult your doctor before you decide to try one of those low calorie diets.