7 Proven Weight Loss Tips For Teenagers

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Many teenagers want to lose weight but don’t know how to. Figuring out a strategy for losing weight is a great first step!

Often when dieting teens choose tp follow popular fads while they aren’t aware that those diets are unhealthy. As a teenager, taking diet pills or starve yourself should be big No, No for you. Although, dieting the healthy way is difficult, yet, it definitely can be done.

I’m not going to try to sell you something. All I’m going to do is give you the facts about how to lose weight through safe and successful tips. The rest is up to you.

The First and Most Important Rule of Teenage Weight Loss

1. Eat Healthily! Starvation is not the Solution

Every so often we hear about a teenage girl starving herself to reduce weight quickly in order to attend a special function, a dance or a prom. The person that I have in mind was about eighteen years old, let say her name was Brandi. Brandi wanted to loss approximately 22 pounds in 5 weeks to attend a wedding as a bridesmaid. She wanted to be noticed by by her friends, and in particular one boy.

During that time frame the most weight Brandi could have expect to lose and still maintain her health was about 10 to 12 pounds. In her effort and without getting her doctor’s advice decides to starve herself. So she went off and starved herself for until her desired weight was accomplished.

What happened? Later, I learned she lost about 8 pounds within 2 weeks. During that time she developed spots all over her face and body. Yes, you guessed right, Brandi was not able to attend the wedding as a bridesmaid. Brandi spent several weeks under the care of her doctor undoing the damage she had done to her body by starving herself. Teenagers, let this incident be a warning to you! “When we stop eating, we stop giving our bodies the nutrition it requires to stay healthy and it begins t malfunction.”

2. Healthy Eating is Better Than “Dieting”

The primary reason why adults experience weight problems and eventually become ill is due to them undertaking drastic measures or unhealthy weight loss diets during their teenage years. Teen Diets should not be considered until their physical growth has been completed This completion in teenagers usually occurs around 18 years of age.

Until that time teenage weight loss should not be considered without consulting your doctor. He will recommend dietitian who would be able to recommend a safe and healthy diet. A diet which would permit healthy growth and weight loss control.

3. Dieting Can Causes Health Problems in Teens?

Yes, dieting can cause health problems in teens. During your teen years, between the ages of 12-17 years, approximately 90% of your body frame structure and bone mass of an adult is laid down as a foundation. This not the time to be depriving your body of the essential vitamins which it requires like calcium, vitamins C&D.

During these years, even a short period of “strict dieting” could lead to a low bone density level. Low bone density weakens your bones in your later years; they become fragile and are susceptible to fractures and breakage.

Teen Dieting can also lead to low levels of frolic acid and iron, both of which may prevent you from becoming anemic. An anemic individual tends to be constantly tire. Their intellectual performance becomes impaired.

There are other health problems which are associated with teens undertakings “strict diets”, but there are too many to mention here.

4. What Does Healthy Eating Really Mean?

Teens, as long as you eat a variety of foods, from the 5 major food groups (fruits, vegetables, grains [rice, pasta, oats etc] lean meats, dairy, low fats) in the right portions you should get all the nutrition you need.

5. Are Certain Foods are Off-Limits?

No. healthy eating doesn’t mean depriving yourself of higher-calorie foods, like ice cream, pizza, cheeseburgers etc. You can enjoy all these foods and others in moderation.

6. Snack on Fruits to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Take snacks of freshly slice fruit to school with you. You can also include some Walnuts or Brazilian nuts to munch on

7. General Rule of Eating Well

Make sure that half the plate contains vegetables and the remaining half divided equally between protein (meat, eggs, beans) and carbohydrates (rice, pasta, potatoes). When eating pizza, go easy on the cheese and pepperoni an heavy on vegetables and fruit.

Focus on Health Not Weight Loss

Being a teenager is not the easiest time when it comes to dealing with weight changes brought on by puberty and peer pressure to look a certain way. However, with focusing on health and nutrition, you can develop healthy habits that will keep you looking and feeling healthy and fit throughout your teenage years and into later life.

Your teens are a time when you require the good nutrition in order to make sure you grown and develop as you should.