4 Popular Misconceptions About Weight Loss

weight loss misconceptions to know

Losing Weight: Popular Misconceptions

Weight loss is full of misconceptions that have become very popular. These can be quite serious, because not only can they affect a person’s weight, but also their overall health.

The more you know about these misconceptions the more likely you will end up following a sensible plan to reduce weight.

A popular belief is that any product that has been labeled as “natural” is safe. In fact, you should take into account the fact that these products are often never subjected to vigorous scientific testing.

For example, ephedra, which has been included in some weight loss products has been prohibited by federal authorities because it has been determined to be unhealthy.

Even products that do not contain ephedra can be dangerous because they have components that are similar to ephedra. As a result, you should consult your doctor before using herbal weight loss products. Your doctor is in the best position to know if a pill or other weight loss product is right for you.

Another misconception is that you can still lose weight even if you eat what you want. In fact, it is necessary to be careful with the amount of calories you take in and increasing exercise to ensure that you burn more fat you take in. It is also important to limit portions in order to ensure that no extra weight is added.

If you choose foods low in calories and eat smaller portions while increasing physical activity you should be able to lose weight.

However, you may still be able to eat some foods that you like as long as they are eaten in moderation or, if they are high in calories, only sparingly.

Another misconception is that because a food is labeled low fat, they contain no calories.

While low-fat foods may indeed be low in calories, some products with low fat content have just as many calories as the types with high fat content. In fact, they can be loaded in sugar or flour, increasing the amount of total calories.

As a result, it is important that you check the nutrition labels on food packages to determine the exact amount of calories per serving. It is also imperative that you know what constitutes a portion that you will not be tempted to overeat.

Some people believe that fast food is inherently bad and can not be eaten while following a diet program. However, if you are knowledgeable, you can actually eat at fast food restaurants and still lose weight. It is better, for example, if you do not fall into oversized combos.

Popular Beliefs and Misconceptions to Avoid

You may, however, consider splitting a combo with your spouse or friend. Avoid soft drinks and drink water instead.

Consider eating a salad or a chicken breast sandwich that has been grilled. Keep condiments such as mayonnaise and salad dressings to a minimum.

Ask the restaurant not to put bacon or cheese on your sandwich, and avoid eating French fries or fried chicken. If you go to a Mexican restaurant, try a taco that is made with salsa rather than cheese or sauce.

IMPORTANT: These simple recommendations can help you avoid totally throwing your diet off track.