1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet

1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet

How 1800 Calorie Diabetic Diet Works

The 1800 calorie diet means eating no more than 1800 calories worth of food each day. This may be something which is needed if you are diabetic; it may be 1800 calories, 1200 calories or somewhere else in between.

The diabetic diet differs from each person due to the individual calories needed for each person.

The calorie restrictions are set to ensure diabetics can control their blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Through restricting your diabetic diet plan with a certain amount of calories to take in per day you are not only controlling diabetes you are also able to ensure a healthy eating habit.

A diabetic diet limits how many carbohydrates, fat and protein you eat. The 1800 calorie diet for diabetics is low in calories and fat.

Sample of a 1800 Calorie Diet

Breakfast  —  should consist of 2 pieces of bread or bagel or 1 and a half cups of bran cereal. 1 piece of fruit and 1 glass of skimmed milk or a sugar free yogurt.

Lunch  —  should consist primarily of protein such as turkey breast however it should be cooked with as little oil as possible. As well as this a vegetable such as a tomato, 2 pieces of bread and a piece of fruit.

Afternoon  —  You canhave a snack which could be a cup of skimmed milk and 1 piece of bread. Instead of a cup of milk you can have sugar free yogurt.

Dinner  —  should consist of protein either fish or meat, a small quantity of vegetables a piece of fruit a cup of brown rice and a cup of skimmed milk or a sugar free yogurt.

Evening —  snack should consist of a piece of bread and a meat or protein such as cottage cheese or one ounce turkey breast.

Creating Diabetic Diet Plan

A diabetic diet plan is built primarily on your own diabetes however it is possible to create a diabetic diet plan from standard diets. An 1800 calorie diet is great and ideal for people suffering from diabetes and you can find lots more information in guides and eBooks.