Ephedra Products – Learn About The History Of Ephedra


Ephedra is well known all across the United States, along with other countries. Ephedra Products were first introduced in China over 2000 years ago. It was an herbal medicine that would help treat individuals who were suffering from bronchial asthma, flu, cold, wheezing, along with edma. During the autumn also known as the fall season, the ephedra plant is harvested. It is then dried in the sun and sectioned to be prepared for use. Each section of the harvest will be boiled, often times in a honey & water mixture, and then roasted until the remaining water has evaporated. It would then be used as a remedy to help treat typhoid, coughing, colds and other miscellaneous pains.

In Northern India and Pakistan, Ephedra Products have a long history to help relieve symptoms of bronchial asthma. The India and Pakistani culture would use the dried stems of Ephedra Geradiana, which is particular ephedra specie. It has been compared to ephedrine, because they feel it contains the same adrenergic drug. Ephedrine is found in the Ephedracea specie and has a long history as being used as a broncondilator in orthodox medicine.

The areas of West Texas and Northern Mexico, individuals harvested the stem extractions of Ephedra antisyphilitica. This is another ephedra plant specie found in North America and Mexico. It was an herbal remedy to help cure renal diseases that Southwestern American Indians suffered from for a long time. The seeds found in Ephedra nevadensis were also used as an herbal medicine. It was used to relieve the pain and uncomfortable feeling of urogenital diseases. This herbal remedy was processed through the means of roasting and then grinding the seeds into flour. It was then ready to be used for urogential diseases.

Ephedra Products where also prepared much like coffee and tea. It would be brewed into a beverage and then consumed by individuals to obtain its stimulating effects that it would provide them. MaHuang extract comes from the Ephedra sinica and Ephedra equisetina species. It is developed through the same means as instant coffee and is similar in the way it’s concentrated.

Many of you have probably heard of Mormon Tea, also known as Desert or Teamaster tea. This was a beverage that provided stimulating effects and was popular among those who settled in the Southwestern part of the United States, along with Mexico. These teas were prepared from the branches of the Ephedra trifurca specie.

Ephedra has also been used as a clinical medicine in the Western Hemisphere. It was traditionally used as a stimulant for the sympathetic nervous system. It provided support to those who suffered from asthma, hayfever, allergies and arthritis. Ephedra Products as medicine would help break body fevers and clear clogged sinusus, as well as raising blood pressure. It is well known to improve your alertness and perception. In the United States ephedrine is found in several Over The Counter (OTC) Medicines, such as Sudafed, which is used as a nasal decongestant. Ephedrine is the main active chemical from MaHuang.

Today in the United States, Ephedra Products have been used as an aid to promote weight loss and has been for over 20 years. Ephedra Weight Loss Products is also referred to as MaHuang. It is the alkaloid chemical that’s collected from the plant Ephedra Sinica. These diet pills began to receive attention from the FDA in the early 1990’s, when they began collecting information and investigating adverse events from ephedra use. There were several proposals to regulate the use of ephedra products, along with attempts to ban sales in the United States.

Due to adverse side effects, the FDA commissioned Rand Corporation to perform extensive research and analyze the safety and efficacy of Ephedra. Throughout the study it confirmed that Ephedra Products did promote weight loss, however there was the potential of side effects for those who use ephedra diet pills. It was also mentioned that ephedra use could increase health risks, which include heart attack, stroke and the possibility of death.

After the analysis of Rand Corporation, the FDA then proposed a ruling of limiting sales of Ephedra Products that contained 8mg or more of ephedra alkaloids which is from the sinica family. The FDA also wanted to enforce stricter labels on the products to warn consumers the potential side effects and health risks. This ruling occurred in 1997 and was then withdrawn in 2000 by the FDA.

In 2004, the FDA pursued a ban to restrict the sales of Ephedra Products and it was a success. Judge Tena Campbell of the Federal District Cour in Utah then later overturned the ban on April 15, 2005. Ephedra Products containing 10mg or less a day of ephedrine alkaloids, where allowed to sold. It was stated that this amount did not pose a risk.

On August 17, 2006, a federal appeals court upheld the FDA Ban on ephedra, which overturned the 2005 ruling of Judge Tena Campbell. The FDA stated that there is no dose of dietary supplements formulated with ephedrine alkaloids that was safe. It was also mentioned that the sales of weight loss products containing ephedrine alkaloids was illegal and subject to enforcement action.

In 2007, Nutraceutical Corporation filed a petition with the 10th Circuit of US Court of Appeals, however the US Supreme Court refused to hear their petition. To this date the sales of weight loss products containing ephedrine alkaloids are prohibited regardless of the daily dose!

So, where does that leave Ephedra Products today? Well, manufacturers began doing extensive research to find the next best thing and they were successful. Now, Ephedra Products are being formulated from Ephedra viridis, also known as Mormon Tea. Ephedra Products that are labeled as Ephedra viridis, Mormon tea or Ephedra extract are legal to buy and sell.

When the FDA enforced the Ephedra Ban, it was for products containing ephedrine alkaloids from the ephedra sinica plant. The truth is there are several different species of ephedra plants and the FDA did not ban all of them. In all reality they didn’t even ban the plant ephedra, just products containing ephedrine alkaloids.

There have been thousands of reviews on the new formulated Ephedra Products, with most of them being positive. Consumers compare them to be as effective as the weight loss products containing ephedrine alkaloids.